A1. Glossary
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English = Swedish = Spanish
Reference to chapter.
owner =
Kapitalägare = Dueño de capital
The part of the population that has incomes
because they own fixed capital or shares in the private sector. A person of the
category capital owners may simultaneously belong to the one of the other
categories pensioners, unemployed, publicly or privately employed. Chapter 7.
Children = Barn = Niños
Children, 15 years of age or younger, Supported
by their parents and receive no direct payments that are part of the circular
flows. See households. Chapter 7.
Endogenous = Edogogen = Endógeno
A quantity that is part of a system and that
can be calculated when the parameters and state variables of the system are
Exogenous = Exogen = Exógeno
A quantity that influences a system and that is
determined by circumstances outside the system. Chapter 2.
Household = Hushåll = Casa, Familia
All of the people who live under one roof and
who make, or are subject to others making for them, joint financial decisions.
The smallest unit of the economy. I categorize the part of the population that
are 16 years old or more into different kinds of households. Children, 15 years
and younger, are (in Sweden) supported by their parents and do not receive any
direct payments that are part of the circular flows. A more detailed model
intended to calculate the children's allowances and the number of students in
the schools has to consider the children as a separate category. The Swedish
population statistics (SCB ref. 1) has the age categories -6, 7-17, 18-24,
25-44, 45-64, 65- . The category 16-17 years is treated different in different
contexts. Here they are included in the potential work force because the
statistics include them among the unemployed. Chapter 7.
Parameter = Parameter = Parámetro
A constant of a model equation. Determines the properties of the system. Chapter 2.
Pensioners = Pensionärer = Pensionistas
Persons 65 years of age and older.
man-year =
Producerat manår = Año-hombre producido
See product man-year.
man-year = Produktmanår = Año-hombre de producto
The utility that a commodity or a service
represents, measured as used labor at standard conditions. A product man-year
(pmy) = the volume of products that are produced when a person works one year,
with standard working hours (8 hours/day), at a certain base year with the use
of the technology for that time. See also Worked man-year and Chapter 10.
= Produktivitet =
The volume of goods and services that is produced by one person working during one year. Measure as produced man-year / worked man-year (pmy/wmy). Chapter 10.
System = System = Sistema
The part of the real world that we want to
study. The environments of the system lie outside the system limits.
State = Tillstånd = Estado
A state (position in the state space) of a system at a certain instance in time. The state is defined by the state variables of the system. The state of a system at one instance in time depends upon the state at a previous time and the dynamic properties of the system. Chapter 2, 12.
State variable = Tillståndsvariabel = Variable de estado
Determines the state of the system. The number of state variables is the smallest numbers of variables needed to define the state of the system at a certain instance in time. Chapter 2, 12.
Unemployed = Arbetslösa = Desocupados
The part of the population in the age, 16 - 64 years, that do not have a regular job. The unemployed are openly unemployed, unemployed subject to labor market measures or education, sick persons, students or housewives. They constitute a remainder in the population statistics, when the active work force and the pensioners are subtracted from the adult population. My simple models use this definition. However the official and most used definition includes only the openly unemployed. Chapter 7.
Variable = Variabel = Variable
A quantify that varies with time.
man-year = Arbetat
manår = Año-hombre trabajado
Work done by one person during one year with 8 daily working hours, without reference to product volume. Yearly wage or salary for one person (CU/man-year) is calculated per worked man-year (wmy). Compare with produced man-year (pmy). Chapter 10.
Planned budget deficit. Chap 12.
Allowances to the households, for children,
apartment, sickness etc. Chapter 12.
Currency Unit, National currency or multiple
there off. (1000*, 1000.000* etc.)
1000 crones (k=kilo).
The dependent variables of the system.
The state variables of the system.
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