5. Flows 19 November 2004

To contents, Introduction, Chapter 6

  1. Creating flows
  2. Setting flow properties

1 Creating flows

Flows are created by pressing the Add flow path button in the main window and the click in the drawing area to place the flow symbol. It is placed in the layer named "Layer #1".

Figure 1 Adding a flow path.

2 Setting flow properties

Start by setting the units of the flow. Currency units are made available in the layer no 1 with the name "Layer #1" in the dialog shown below.  

Figure 2 Currency units has been assigned to Layer #1.

Optionally define a time axis before proceeding. If not defined now, a default time axis with one time increment will be used.

The properties of the flow is set by the dialog Flow properties dialog. It is opened by right clicking on the yellow name label of the flow.

Figure 3 The Flow properties dialog with default time axis.

The name is changed in the name text field. 

Units set can be selected from the drop down menu. The unit (kCU) can only be set in the Units dialog

Prescribed flow rate can only be set if the the "Prescribed flow rate" checkbox is checked. Calculated flow is set only by calculations

The prescribed flow rate is entered in the value table. Hit the Tab or Enter keys to make the entry to take effect. The flow level is shown as a orange line.

Figure 4 Flow name set to "Income", prescribed flow rate set to 1467 kCU.

Calculations start as soon as the OK button is pressed. The simple result in this case is that the calculated flow = the prescribed flow.

Figure 5 Flow rate set.

If we now redefine the time axis, the flow dialog may look like below.

Figure 6 Prescribed flow rates set to 1578 and 1695 kCU for years 1999 and 2000.

The calculated flow is shown in blue and the prescribed flows in orange.

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